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Top 10 stories of the week

As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and keep up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

1. Have you played back to work bingo?

Walking back into the office on your first day back normally sees you facing the same problems, no matter if you’ve been on annual leave, been ill or had a public holiday. The comics at Very British Problems have come up with a game to help you pass the time; the #BackToWork Bingo.

2. Are you ready to become a virtual assistant?

Experienced VAs Vicki Doudelle (VD), Joanne Munro (JM), Joanne Hawkins (JH) and Donna Redshaw (DR) give their top pointers on how to make the most out of becoming a VA, and what to look out for on your journey.

3. 2018 is the year dreams come true

Brits have declared 2018 the year they follow their dreams, according to research by Huawei. The news comes as the tech giant revealed that around half of British workers felt as if they had failed in pursuing their dreams in 2017.

4. How to make the most of the New Year

Helping you harness the power of the new year, here are our top tips to get you excited to go back into the office.

5. What to expect from office* 2018

Recognised as one of the biggest events of the year for PAs and EAs, Olympia London will welcome office* once again, and it’s set to boast more training sessions and suppliers than ever before. Jade Burke catches up with event director, Duncan Siegle, to find out what sets next year’s event apart from previous shows.

6. Butlin’s to launch new seaside lodges at Minehead

The new developments – available to book from Easter 2018 – are a result of Butlin’s recent £10 million investment in accommodation across its three resorts.

7. Brits find 50 ways to slack off work

As we return to work after a glorious two-week break to enjoy the festive period, Brits are finding more and more ways to slack off work.

8. Checking in: Royal Crescent Hotel

Jade Burke travelled to Bath’s historical Royal Crescent Hotel to take a tour around its Georgian-inspired meeting rooms and sample its award-winning restaurant.

9. The top diets for busy lives

With everyone promoting their own fitness and diet hacks this New Year, we’ve looked into the best diets for busy PAs and EAs, whether they’re behind the desk or on the move.

10. How to lead a more active life at work

Finding ways to keep energetic can be an arduous task for many, especially with the winter months rolling in. Chris Horlick, director at AXA PPP Healthcare, offers his thoughts on how employees can tie fitness into their working day.