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Why you should be hiring Millennials

Managers are unsure of what to make of Millennials. Are they the lazy generation or are they too committed? Do they have it all figured out or are they learning it all from the TV? Whatever the case, they’re shaking up the workplace, and bringing them into your company is the quickest way to futureproof your company. The office specialists at DBI Furniture Solutions have compiled their top reasons for embracing the younger generations and how to make the most out of your business.

They’re serious
Younger workers are becoming more and more ambitious, and take responsibility very seriously. Because the generation was more likely to be involved in family decisions compared to older generations, Millennials understand and respect the opportunity to be treated seriously and with maturity. Often criticised as being ‘self-entitled’, Millennials will strive for more advantages and power, and often know how to put it into action once they begin.

They’re adapting
Growing up during the digital explosion of the last 20+ years means that adaptability is in their blood. Having to learn how to work different and evolving technology from such a young age means they’re more prepared than any generation before or since to face turbulent times. Rather than accepting the norm, they’re ready to challenge and change what doesn’t work, and keep your business on its toes.

They’re learning
Millennials are strong on self-improvement. They’re need to grow and change, much like the world around them, can be intimidating but it’s all in the name of bettering themselves and their company. 95% of millennials said they are motivated to work harder when they understand the importance of a particular task within context, so keep them informed and they’ll do all they can.

They’re thriving
Millennial’s are always looking for a way to make their work ethic more efficient, in any way possible. Because of the need to better themselves for both the team and their own productivity, they are willing to go the extra mile to innovate and improve, setting their own deadlines and achieving personal goals.

Is your company embracing the next generation? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.