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Top time management tips

PAs the world over need to be on top of everything. As the role becomes more in line with middle management, they’re expected to be able to prioritise their work to meet tight deadlines. Here, lifestyle website MyDomain gives its top time management tips for busy people. Study yourself Take a week to track your habits. Pay attention to how…

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Alternative ‘12 days of Christmas’ treats for the office

Business leaders would never be expected to give staff the gifts in the 12 Days of Christmas song, (maids-a-milking and lords-a-leaping are wholly impractical) so Sketch Studios, a commercial furniture specialist, has come up with 12 practical tokens of appreciation employers could give instead. Day One: Better tea/coffee/refreshments; fundamental to the wellbeing of every worker – isn’t this what gets…

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A new innovation in personalised business travel

Reed & Mackay, a leading corporate travel management company, has launched an innovative online booking tool. This key market development means that businesses no longer have to choose between the best in online or offline service. Already recognised as the industry leader for VIP service excellence, Reed & Mackay’s online booking tool, viatiQ, is built on their proprietary technology, iQ.…

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Top 10 legal tips for company Christmas parties

Christmas is the time of year when companies want to reward their employees for their hard work by hosting a Christmas party. Most employees behave appropriately, but sometimes behaviour gets out of control. It’s important to remember that employment laws apply even when a party takes place somewhere other than in the workplace. Employers should consider the risks of sexual…

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Writing a successful CV

Employers receive an average of 60 applicants for every advertisement for a low-skilled job, and 20 for every skilled job. Significantly, almost half of these candidates are perfectly suitable for the role, according to research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). So that makes their CV (curriculum vitae) all the more important when attempting to stand out…

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Next-day planning for a stress-free night

Can’t remember the last time you had a worry-free evening? It’s all about next-day planning.   If you are looking for a stress-free evening, it might be worth spending just a little bit longer at work, yes really. Hard to believe, but according to a study published in the Journal of Organisational and Occupational Psychology it really could be the…

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Management-induced stress yields little productivity

Your ability to concentrate on the task at hand is impeded when you are overly worried about things. This is a main reason why too much management stress rarely leads to the hoped-for productive outcomes. A bit of stress every now and then keeps employees on their toes and wards off complacency, however a steady stream of management-induced stress can…

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HR analytics have a crucial impact on their business

Research released earlier this month reveals just how few companies are taking advantage of all the opportunities presented by the data analytics revolution.   The report, published by Deloitte, highlights the large appetite for HR analytics, but simultaneously reveals shockingly low uptake in the sector.   750 of the 3,300 HR and business leaders interviewed by Deloitte believe that using…

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5 ways to help you power through that to-do list

Staying energised, focused and productive at work can be a challenge. Here, offers five easy ways to help you keep feeling enthusiastic and productive throughout your workday. 1 Commit to work-life balance There’s nothing wrong with answering a few emails, or handling a quick task or two outside of normal business hours, but beware; that habit can quickly take…

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7 tips that can boost your career

Finding a job you like and making a career out of it is one of the most important things you can do in life. Professor and coach Carol Morgan recently wrote a blog for Huffington Post Women with her seven top tips for helping your career soar. 1 Know your passion and turn it into an objectiveMorgan says the ability…

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Top 10 apps for organisation & productivity

If you have an iPhone (which let’s face it, most of us do) then you need apps – apps specially designed to make your work easier. PC Mag has compiled the 100 best iPhone Apps of 2015 and PA Life has cherry-picked the most useful for you – to help with organisation and productivity. 1. Free; Premium from £1.99 per month List-making…

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Anger makes women less influential than men

Researchers at Arizona State University in the US have found substantial evidence of the workplace double standard against women. A recent study shows that women who express anger are punished, while men are rewarded with support. The study asked students to participate in a mock jury simulation in which two groups of six were given evidence and asked to deliberate…

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Productivity can soar when working from home

More than 24 million Americans work from home at least some of the time. The ability to set your own office hours and take calls from your comfy sofa make working from home? Yes please!  But as more professionals seek the arrangement and more employers agree to it — there has been a 103% increase since 2005 in employees who work…

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Employers feeling the effect of lost productivity

New research from GRiD shows a quarter of employers are feeling the effects of lost productivity and popular initiatives to combat this are flexible working (promoted by a third of employers), new equipment and health & wellbeing promotion.   Output per hour for the UK is 20 percentage points below the average for the rest of the G7 advanced economies,…

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Busyness makes you less productive

Dr. Travis Bradberry, Coauthor of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 & President at TalentSmart explains how being busy actually makes you unproductive… The prevailing notion is that if you aren’t busy means that you aren’t hard working. The truth according to Bradberry is that busyness makes you less productive. Think of a busy person and what comes to mind?, An ever-ringing phone,…

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Mismanaging millennials could result in double disaster

Mismanaging the contrasting work styles between different generations could lead to disaster, according to Cognitive Neuroscientist and Business Improvement Strategist Dr Lynda Shaw, who argues that the millennials (born early 1980s to early 2000s) in particular are being grossly mishandled. Shaw argues: “The mentality between baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) and millennials couldn’t be more different. On the…

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How work is affecting your mental health

Saturday 10th October was World Mental Health Day, hosted by the World Federation of Mental Health.   Mental illness is varied and extremely complicated – and one element that is too often dismissed is stress. These problems are a major cause of presenteeism, which can be described as the practice of remaining in work, even when an employee is unwell, resulting…

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Captive audience

Finding the perfect venue for your event is only the beginning. All corporate functions benefit from having an engaging programme of speakers. Peter Komornik gives his top tips for keeping your audience captivated Our event programme is the heart of your event and it has a major impact on the engagement level of your audience. Events can naturally be exhausting,…

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