Posts Tagged :

health and wellness

Adults failing to walk 10 minutes a month

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Healthcare officials have revealed that Brits are struggling to get any physical exercise, with nearly half of adults over 40 not even walking for 10 minutes a month. Public Health England are urging the public to get their heart racing more often in a bid to boost British health and save lives. Women were slightly […]

Airline’s ‘mood food’ menu to calm nervous flyers

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Monarch has announced the launch of their new ‘mood food’ menu, which guarantees to calm the nerves of jittery passengers and reduce the stress of travelling. Designed with mental wellbeing in mind, food psychologist professor Charles Spence crafted the menu with the intent of easing the frustrations of flight. Launched as part of Monarch’s ‘Year […]

The cost of poor diet in the workplace

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Not looking after yourself in and out of the office is affecting your work ethic, according to new studies. Research by industry body British Summer Fruits showed that employees believe they would have a better mood, more positive work output and have lower stress levels if they were given the opportunity to eat healthier at […]

How not to call in sick

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Waking up on Monday morning, not everyone is enthused to leave the comfort of their bed, let alone their house. When running out of holiday or looking for a quick break from the daily grind, calling in sick is one of the nation’s top guilty pleasures but not everyone is highly skilled in the art. […]

Are you comfortable discussing mental health? PA Life readers respond

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Company cultures may be intimidating workforces into silence without realising, as our readers have spoken out in support of reports that macho culture stops people discussing mental health. The results of our twitter poll revealed that nearly half of you would never discuss mental health at work, although 56% did reveal they’re more than comfortable […]

79% of women are worried they aren’t keeping healthy

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Four in five British women are facing an information overload when it comes to looking after their health, according to new studies. A report by skincare company E45 was commissioned as part of the launch of its new ‘Straight Up Skincare’ campaign, and the study revealed that through the constant onslaught of quick tips and […]

Men more likely to experience mental health problems in work than women

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‘Macho culture’ in the workplace could be responsible for nearly a third of men suffering from poor mental health, according to new studies. Research by Mind has revealed that men are more than twice as likely to experience mental health in the office than they are socially, and are more than 50% more likely to […]

Sick days rank among Brits’ top guilty pleasures

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Pulling a sickie and spending time in the house alone has been revealed as among the top British guilty pleasures, according to new research. A report by Tetley revealed that missing work just to watch daytime TV, eat chocolate and have full rein of your home without having to share your space with your partner, […]

UK is world leader in pension preparations

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A study into ‘retirement readiness’ has discovered that the UK is a world leader when it comes to prioritising savings for pensions. Successful Retirement – Healthy Aging and Financial Security examined what retirement and pension means to different people around the world, revealing that Britain is second only to Holland when it comes to a […]

Industry unites to tackle wellness issues during UK Event Wellbeing Week

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A career in events was cited as the fifth most stressful job in 2016, with one in four experiencing a mental health issue every year. To combat these alarming statistics and raise awareness of wellbeing, a group of industry professionals have founded the UK Event Wellbeing Week (EventWell), taking place from 18-22 September. The campaign […]

App of the Week: Zipongo

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Welcome back to our weekly spotlight on helpful apps. We focus on a variety of products that are useful for work, personal use, or both, providing our own thoughts on the apps and what you can do with them. This week we eat healthier with Zipongo. An intro to Zipongo When you’re busy at work […]

Dog owners are happier, healthier and more productive

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Owning a dog will make you happier, healthier and more satisfied in your workplace compared to people without dogs, according to a new study. Research by One Poll revealed that taking your dog for a walk can not only positively affect your health but also improve your social skills as you end up meeting with […]

Work out at work

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Office workers’ sedentary lifestyle poses a risk to their health, says Peter Haling from The Health Quest. Here are his tips for busy PAs to sneak in a bit of exercise at their desk Anyone who’s ever had back pain will know just how debilitating it can be. According to the UK Statistics Authority (2015), […]

Office hugging could be key to a better workplace

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It’s no longer unusual to greet co-workers with a hug in the office, according to new reports. The BBC has revealed that many are shirking the hand shake for the hug as research may indicate that getting closer to your colleagues could show a boost in productivity. Some industries are embracing the new trend quicker […]

Businesses missing telltale signs to prevent burnout

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Businesses aren’t doing enough to reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace as culture continues to focus on ‘doing more with less,’ according to specialists. Author Phil Parker has compiled his top ways to stop work burnout in its tracks as part of his P4 programme, a business scheme to help employers implement pre-emptive processes […]

Man flu myth busted as women take more sick days each year

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Women workers are more likely to take time out of the office than men, even when it comes to flu, according to new research. A study by FirstCare showed that women have taken nearly three million more sick days than their male counterparts in just the last three months. Tackling absenteeism in the office through […]

Clock is ticking on workers who are ‘too busy to have fun’

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Brits are facing ‘time poverty’ as half of workers admit there aren’t enough hours in the day, according to a new study. Findings by Kelly’s of Cornwall reveal that too many are eating their dinner as late as 10pm and bringing work home with them without a chance to adequately switch off and relax in […]

Workers need more fresh air

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British workers need to spend more time out of the office in order to boost productivity and workplace happiness, according to new reports. A study by Alfresia has revealed how Brits are longing to make the most of the short summer months by spending time in the fresh air, with nearly two in three admitting […]